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Healing the World

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Kai Muegge and the

Felix Experimental
Group (FEG)

Ershamstar School of mediumship
development, full board,
near Canterbury, Kent, UK

raining programme
for 2017

click here


 David Bailey
THE LIGHT in Music 


Joy and Clarity

Trance Channelling
Dan and Alexandra


Orion Silverstar
click here

English Version
Version Française
JGL guide Skotography Irene Dunn Marie Corelli
John's Guide
Video Image:
Irene Dunn
Video Image:
Marie Corelli
Instrumental TransCommunication is the name that has been given by Professor Ernst Senkowski, a German physicist, for the technique of contacting spirits, using any electronic means to capture the images of spirits (ITC), and to record their voices (EVP : Electronic Voice Phenomenon). The equivalent of ITC abreviation, in french, is TCI (TransCommunication Instrumentale), and in German : ITK (Instrumentelle Transkommunikation). Some researchers are using also old valves radios of the 50's (DRV : Direct Radio Voices which abbreviates in french to VDR) and are very successful.

After years of activities in the domain of Transcommunication research, and in all the different types of mediumship development, our relationship has strengthened with our spirit partners, we have learned how to connect with them, and how to communicate with them. Without the spirit-scientists help, no result would have been possible.
We have been told by these spirit-helpers, that it was time to share our knowledge for the benefit of people who are beginners, and who have not found the help they were asking for.
Transcommunication (ITC) and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are considered as part of the physical mediumship, as the spirit's actions also affect the objects, the equipment. Moreover, we can notice these physical effects.
Trance channeling, general mental mediumship and ESP abilities are also helpful for this research in Transcommunication. We will share our knowledge in these domains. So, on this site, we will transmit to you, as many practical tips and techniques as possible.
We wish you success in your own development and research.
Cordially yours,
Maryse and John Locke

January 2025

After being offline for many years, the site has been restored by a community volunteer who is interested in the preservation of websites of great importance.

Most of the video content found throughout the site is in Shockwave Flash format, so unfortunately, is no longer playable by any modern web browser.

We will work to convert the videos to a modern format if possible - come back to see how the progress is going!

Please enjoy exploring the plethora of images, free PDF ebooks and advice shared throughout.

This is a Facebook group where you can reach out to like minded individuals, including Maryse - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1169060960170326


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