Learning and Sharing

Healing the World

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Kai Muegge and the

Felix Experimental
Group (FEG)

Ershamstar School of mediumship
development, full board,
near Canterbury, Kent, UK

raining programme
for 2017

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 David Bailey
THE LIGHT in Music 


Joy and Clarity

Trance Channelling
Dan and Alexandra


Orion Silverstar
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Important message

In the seance of October 7th 2003, our Spirit guides asked us to help to create a web of meditation or prayers for the world, with enlighted people who walk with knowledge, walk with intuition, walk with understanding, a net of groups of nice people with pure intention, at least 14 people per country, a net where every knot is secure, every line is safe, so that the world can be encased, that at a given hour (time is to be set by the Spirit), they can all transmit at the same time, and create an international web.
Experimentations via internet (trance séance or automatic writing in public using webcam, skype, chatrooms, ...), all types of global communications enable also the spirit to possess a tremendous energy apport which will be used to encase this world of Earth, and therefore by doing so, will illuminate
the minds of those in the deepest levels.

The next step is to learn to build a bond, a connection between each member like a rock that can never dissolve. So therefore, the "liquid" Spirit needs to use between each of us is very simple, it is "water". A "water" free of charge ! So therefore, to keep the connection between each other each day, (even if you cannot see each other, you can feel each other), you must send each day the "fluid" of your feelings. You must visualise "the fluid" and the flow between each other each day. Then, these groups of nice people will have to send healing at some time for the world, for them. Healing thoughts for the world, for the children, for the dogs, ... The healing thought has to be sent at the same time, because if we send it alone, we get a drop; if we ALL send together, we get a river...

At the moment, the biggest concern of the spirit world is that progression has failed. There has been no progress made for such a long time ! In fact, we are almost back to the very beginning where people would kill each other for no reason whatsoever. And now, they do not eat the flesh, they kill ! murder !
And also other crimes are common now ! It is almost impossible to shock the public with any sort of information whatsoever. So instead of going forward, we have gone back. The enlightenment seems to be in very small groups, many many miles apart. There has been nothing, or no one to unite the enlightened

Help us to build the net of meditation and prayers.

The common hour for the group meeting, according to our guides should be :
EVERY SUNDAY, at the hour which is corresponding to 21 :00 at Jerusalem, i.e. in Summer 22 :00 in Mauritius, 20 :00 in France, 19 :00 in U.K., etc. Each small group of prayer or group of "Focus Meditation" for Healing the World, should be a minimum of 3 persons, or preferably 12 to 14 very dedicated and
disciplined members, and the duration of concentration on the same subject should be 18 minutes or up to 36 minutes.

They have been given in another group by the Guides through Trance Speaking. They should increase your understanding on how to proceed :
"We can practice a very effective form of meditation for the environment of the planet. The recommendations of time and place : Linking up by using the same day - EVERY SUNDAY - and coordinating with the Israeli time of 21:00 enables a worldwide link to be made. Spirit guides request that a minimum of three people be gathered physically together and thus triangles can be formed around the globe - These would become circles if there were more than three people - . The total length of the link up phase is of EIGHTEEN MINUTES and
the meditation consists of a tour of the world visualizing the governments of the countries on each continent or land-mass; then visualizing the peoples of those countries and the trees of those countries. Thus are the minds, hearts and bodies on the planet united. This is how it works: Some might like to imagine a stream of white light as they travel through this meditation, and it is helpful to spend three minutes on each land-mass. However don't get fixated on timings, for with a little practice it will become easy to move through the meditation at the correct speed. For this meditation, it is vital to have the hands placed on the legs just above the knee, with the palms upwards and the fingers relaxed but not touching each other, in order to keep the energy circuits flowing and not closed in a loop.

1. We are going to start the meditation by focusing on the rainforests of Brazil, and this is the essential theme - the devastation that is being done to the trees - and by extension, to the whole Planet.

a. Focus on the governments of the countries involved in the deforestation process and meditate on their becoming aware of the damage that they are causing to the environment.

b. Focus on the peoples of these countries: that they become aware of their responsibilities and press their leaders to call a halt to the chopping down of these rainforests.

c. Focus on the trees themselves and send your energy to these magnificent forests, and they will transmit that energy from tree to tree.

2. From the rainforests of Brazil and the countries of South America travel to North America and repeat the process, applying the same principles, to government, people and the trees. While holding the rainforests as the priority, visualize all the trees of North America sending their energy to each other and then travel up to Canada and Alaska, until they are all linked.
3. Then follow the energy across the Bering Straits and into Russia, repeating the process as you visualize the countries of Europe.
4. Then travel through Asia, which embraces the Middle East, India and China.
5. Then visualize Australia together with New Zealand.
6. Finally we leap across to Africa, closing the circle that we have made around the globe. The world has been bathed in loving energy, which has linked the people to their environment and created the need for responsibility towards their planet. This principle of meditation could be applied to many aspects of our lives on Earth and with the Earth ; it is the predicament of the rainforests that the Council of Nine have particularly asked us to concentrate on - indeed the predicament of the trees throughout the globe. Their branches reach to the Heavens and their roots interlock with the Earth, that we would do the

Now here are some specific instructions for meditating which were given at various times...

" Question : Would you give the group a simple technique to use in weekly meditations? Any guidelines for us?

Answer : We would ask you to be in your chair in preparation for three minutes of your time before starting. Take in deeply within your system, breathing great depths and releasing. And when you do it, think that one of us is now with you. And with each exhalation, a disturbance within yourself is removed.
Then you become a vessel of purity for identifying your true self, knowing who you are, your connection with us and the Universe - knowing that you have all that is instilled within you, encompassed in all that you are, your spirit, soul and mind, which continue on in all eternity. You contain all that is. Identify the power within yourself to create and bring into being the necessary changes for Earth to evolve to its state of paradise. Be one that is ahead: not as an elite, more intelligent or wise, but ahead in being able to remove yourself from yourself, to step back and view the truth of your being. When you have done that, then in your thoughts, infuse all humankind and its youth with the purity of love and kindness, and all those things that have been entrusted to you the woods, plants, flowers and animals that create your paradise infuse them with the essence of your being. And in your thoughts, bring the message to all people that they contain within them the ability, with you, to bring about the necessary changes upon Earth, by protesting when a human is not in humanity to humankind.

You may incorporate that into a program that may be given to others as a form of meditation from us. Within your mind is great power, and within your mind you can produce the greatest of energy. It is not your physical energy that is great, it is your mind energy that is great. Your mind can bring things into existence, if it has the knowledge of how to do this, but it can also unconsciously bring into existence many things that you do not have desire to have. If there were THIRTY-SIX with one mind, focused together, then the entire world, even the Universe, may be changed. If there be TWELVE on the Planet with one mind, with the power of concentration, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished." …
This is a repetition of the instructions, but the use of these colours has
such results, that it's worth it...)

Answer : Enter your meditative state in complete love, harmony, and peace. If it be necessary to do a pre-meditation, use any method you would need, if it be breathing, or sound, or colour, or exercise, or quiet, for you to cultivate that state before entering meditation. We wish you not to look at your time-piece and say "Now sit and do". Also, you may visualise yourself, before entering that state, as being cleansed WITH THE COLOURS GREEN-EMERALD, ROYAL BLUE, AND PURPLE, SHOWERING DOWN UPON YOU : this will take away all disturbances of the day.

Take that cleansing into the Earth in purification, and then you may begin your meditation. And then view people with their light-energies consuming the dark and letting it filter out in light streams. Like this method: if you do it with a plant, have a plant in front of yourself, give it to it and it will osmosis it. That is a strange sounding notion? Question : Osmosis is an exchange with the plant.

Answer : That is what we mean, thank you, yes. Remember this: you are all from us, you have within you our perfection. You cannot in truth attain perfection in the physical upon Planet Earth because of its density, but you can attain perfection within your soul and your mind. Limit not yourself. Any philosophy,
any civilisation, any religion upon the planet Earth gives to you a limitation. For example, if you have a belief that it would take you one of your years to accomplish something, you can concentrate for THIRTY-SIX of your seconds to remove the belief, and then you may re-learn a new belief in THIRTY-SIX of your seconds.

Question : I'd like some advice on concentration.

Answer : We will give to you an example. If you concentrate on what you wish to remember, to remember things in both your conscious and your subconscious, concentrate for THIRTY-SIX seconds, and it will not be erased from your memory. It may be brought forward from your subconscious. If you wish to erase what is undesirable within your mind, or your subconscious, or a thought that has been placed in your mind, or a personality difficulty that you are trying to eliminate, if you will concentrate for thirty-six of your seconds, it is cancelled within your mind. If you think for THIRTY-SIX of your seconds that you are ill, you will become ill, if you think for THIRTY-SIX of your seconds that you are healthy, you will begin the way to health. The masses that have been programmed by society, by governments, by religions, to believe in a rigidity of their prayers, have brought many things into effect. As an example, it is a mass thought upon this world that all must age, that all must have illness, or that difficulty leads to further difficulty. These are the common beliefs that have been programmed into humans.

Question : What concerns me most is that the capacity to concentrate totally, I understand, is only for about fifteen seconds. I personally find it very hard for more than about six seconds. Is that also a program?

Answer : You have understood your program !"

Time fixed on Each Sunday at 19 h 00 UTC ;

I hope those who have a web site will publish all this material about Healing the World Meditation instructions, so that any people who want to create their own group in their country and join this planetarian and humanitarian movement will have the basic informations on how to proceed. If you live in one of the following countries, and have enough determination to bring the above project on a long term duration, I hope the above the instructions will help. Remember that each 31st December is also A "HEALING THE WORLD" DAY !



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