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ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TEXT: The information or advice that I write on this Site have been taken from my own experience, or from my own knowledge/research. These texts are offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. Please use your discrimination and judgement in utilising  this material. If something rings true to you, fine! If something does not resonate, please, leave it alone!  
Because Crystals are used in ITC and EVP experimental sessions for their electromagnetic properties and as amplifiers, and are used by the healers in order to align the chakras, I thought to share with you some knowledge of the past concerning the minerals...
Inevitably,  precious stones were associated with religious practices; images of the gods were embellished with the most rare and costly gems, or were fashioned from some precious stone itself. Votive offerings of gold or silver and gems were made at the shrines and temples; the garments of the priest and priestesses were ornamented with gems; the exterior and interior of the sacred buildings, too, were encrusted with valuable stones. Any especially large or rare or magnificent stone that was mined was customarily dedicated to sacred uses. 
The beads of rosaries are made from materials of a lasting nature - gem stones, common stones, or glass; also from less durable objects like the seeds of certain plants. The Hindu rosary is made of crystal or of shell, and the invocation "Om mani padme hom" is repeated while the beads are passed in succession through the fingers. Among the Buddhists, the diamond, sapphire, coral, ruby and cat's eye are held in great esteem for their ritual significance. 
From a very early date, precious stones were associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac. It can scarcely be doubted  that the twelve stones of the jewish high priest's breast-plate had each an astrological significance. Kosminsky, in his Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones, suggests that  the stones were red haematite, emerald, marble, chrysoprase, sardonyx, jasper, opal, banded agate, amethyst, serpentine, lapis lazuli, crystal. 

Astrologers of today identify the stones of the zodiac rather differently, and the table given below shows which gems are now invested with the attributes of the signs.

Aries     (Dragon)
Libra            (Dog)
Taurus  (Snake)
Scorpio       (Pig)
Gemini  (Horse)
Sagittarius  (Rat)
Cancer  (Goat)
Capricorn   (Buffalo)
Leo        (Monkey)
Aquarius     (Tiger)
Virgo     (Coq)
Pisces         (Rabbit)
Those who are at all familiar with astrology will know that the sun enters in succession the various signs of the zodiac at about the same dates from year to year, so that the appropriate birth-stone of a person can be indicated if we know the date of his birth. Jewellers use a list that suggests a particular stone for each month of the year, but this list takes no account of the fact that Aries, for example, governs, approximately, from March 21st until April 20th, and not from April 1st to April 30th. Later in this section is given a calendar by means of which the appropriate birth-stone for any date can be ascertained. 
The Wearing of Precious Stones 
Gems should not be worn indiscriminately and without reference to their zodiacal associations. According to the date of birth, certain stones are fortunate, others are harmless, and still others are invested with harmful attributes. It is not sufficient merely to take into consideration the month of the birth, for the zodiacal mensems do not coincide with the months of the calendar, and the zodiacal sign changes at a date varying from the 19th to the 24th of the month.
The seers of old taught that for each planet, or each constellation of the zodiac, there were certain harmonious gemstones and minerals. This harmony might be one of colour - for colour depends on the particular frequency of the preponderant vibration - or might be related to other attributes of the heavenly body. However that may be, the science of the lore and meaning of precious stone is well established. The reader may test its theories for himself. 
But we urge him to be guided in his choice of jewellery by the precepts set forth in the following pages. A calendar of birth-stones is given below. 
The Meaning of Precious Stones  
Agate should not be worn by those born during the periods influenced by Virgo and Pisces; it is, however, a fortunate stone for people born under Gemini. It is supposed to endow its wearer with good health, wealth and longevity. To strengthen its powers,  the chrysoprase also should be worn. 
Amber. - A large piece of amber is sometimes worn on the throat to prevent nasal catarrh, hay-fever, and asthma. Amber is fortunate for people born under Taurus.  
Amethyst. - A form of quartz with a beautiful purple or violet hue, this stone takes its name from a Greek word that referred to its supposed power of counteracting the effects of wine fumes. In later times, the stone was believed to have a calming and soothing influence. The amethyst is a stone of fortune for those whose birthday falls in the period influenced by Pisces, but may be worn with benefit by all. 
Amethystine Sapphire. - This is a variety of corundum with a characteristic amethyst colouring. True amethyst, it may be noted, is a variety of quartz. Amethystine sapphire is a lucky stone for people whose birthday falls under the influence of Sagittarius. Its companion stone is the topaz. 
Aquamarine. - This is a stone of the beryl group, its name being taken from Latin words that mean "sea water" and that refer to its typical bluish-green coloration. Aquamarine partakes of the attributes of the beryl, which are described elsewhere. It is a lucky stone for seafarers, and is supposed to bring harmony into married life. This gem is best avoided by people born under Aquarius or Leo. For those whose birthday falls in the Scorpio period, it is a fortunate stone. It may be worn with the carbuncle. 
Blood-stone. - This red-speckled variety of green jasper is symbolical of courage. It is used for seals, cameos and signets, and many of the seals of ancient Babylon were cut in jasper. The blood-stone is a fortunate gem for people born under Aries. Worn in a finger ring or as a seal, it enhances and fortifies the influence of the diamond, which is also a lucky stone for those born in this period. 
Carbuncle. - This stone is a variety of garnet, of a deep rich scarlet or crimson hue. It is usually cut in cabochon or with a convex rounded top, instead of being cut with facets in the ordinary manner. The name comes from a word for coal; on account of its brilliant fire and deep colour, the gem was likened to a burning coal seen in the darkness. The carbuncle possesses the attribute of hope. Carbuncles are fortunate stones for people born under Scorpio, and can be worn with the aquamarine. Both stones are unlucky for people whose birthday falls under the influence of Aquarius or Leo. 
Chrysolite. - This, the "golden stone" of the ancients is greenish yellow in hue, although varieties are found with an olive-green or a brighter green colour, which are known as olivine or peridot, as the case may be. Chrysolite is a fortunate stone for people born under Leo, but should not be worn by those born in the Taurus and Scorpio periods. With the chrysolite, a sardonyx may be worn. 
Chrysoprase. - This gem is a green form of chalcedony. It was one of the stones in the breast-plate of the Jewish high priest, and symbolizes sheerfulness. Chrysoprase is a fortunate stone for people born under Gemini, and with it, the agate may be worn. Neither stone, however, should be worn by those born during the Virgo or Pisces periods.  
Coral. - This substance is formed by the tiny polyps that build about them a stony habitation. The beautiful and valued pink or red coral comes from the Mediterranean, where it is recovered from the sea floor. Coral is the birth-stone for those born under Libra. 
Cornelian. - Properly "carnelian" from the Latin word from flesh, this gem received its name from its pinkish or reddish hue. It is a species of chalcedony, and varies in colour from blood-red to brownish yellow. The colour becomes deeper in direct sunlight. The cornelian is a fortunate stone for people born under Virgo. The cornelian is a fortunate stone for people born under Virgo. Persons whose natal day falls under the influence of Gemini or Sagittarius should not wear the stone. Others, however, may wear it with benefit. 
Diamond. - This, the hardest of all stones, is a crystalline form of carbon symbolical of innocence. The diamond is a fortunate stone for people whose birthday falls in the Aries period. It may be worn by all others, save only by those whose birth-stone is the emerald. With it, may be worn a blood-stone, when the beneficient influence of the diamond will be greatly increased. 
Emerald. - This stone is of the beryl group, its colour being a vivid green. It is fortunate to people born during the Cancer period. With it, may be worn the moonstone. 
Garnet. - There are several stones that bear this name, though they differ in colour and other features. The almandine, or Bohemian garnet, is deep red; cinnamon stone, or essonite, has a red-tinged golden hue. The stone is the emblem of constancy and faithfulness; if worn by a friend, it is likely to perpetuate the friendship. A fortunate stone for one whose birthday falls in the Aquarius period, it should not be worn by those under the influence of Taurus or Scorpio. The companion stone is the jacinth. 
Hamatite. - This is a form of iron ore, the name being derived from a Greek word referring to its rusty red or blood-like hue. It is fortunate stone for those whose birthday falls within the Aries period. 
Jacinth. - This stone is known also as the hyacinth, after the Greek youth whose blood was changed into the flower bearing his name. It is a variety of the zircon, and is an orange or cinnamon red in colour. Jacinth is a fortunate stone for people born under Aquarius, and may be worn with the garnet. It is not recommended to those whose birthday falls within the Taurus or Scorpio periods. 
Jade. - An old name for this stone, derived from its use as a remedy for pains in the regions of the loins, is lapis nephriticus, or "kidney stone". Jade ranges in colour from white, through cream and yellowish brown, to a deep green. Green jade is a fortunate stone for people born under Virgo, but it is not recommended to those whose birthday falls in the Gemini and Sagittarius periods. Cornelian may be worn with jade. 
Jasper. - This gem-stone is found in various sombre colours, including yellow, green, red and black. The green variety when flecked with red is known as blood-stone. A jasper stone was set into the breast-plate of the Jewish high priest. Jasper (other than blood-stones) is a fortunate stone for those born under Virgo. 
Jet. - This velvety-black mineral is virtually a hard compact form of coal, derived from the wood of forest trees of a long past geological era. It is found in the cliffs of Yorkshire, and the chief supply comes from Whitby. Jet used to be picked up in quantity on the shore, but is now obtained from mines in the cliffs. Jet is a lucky stone for people whose birthday falls in the Capricorn period, and may be worn with the Ruby; neither gem is recommended to be used by people born under Aries or Libra. 
Lapis Lazuli. - This is a deep blue or bluish-green mineral whose name - derived from Latin and Arabic words - refers to its coloration. When polished, it displays sparkling metallic flecks that are due to particles of iron ore within its matrix. Lapis Lazuli is a stone of fortune to people whose birthday falls under the influence of Libra, and may be worn with opal. Like the latter gem, it is to be avoided by people born during the Cancer or Capricorn periods. 
Magnetite. - This is magnetic ore, the lodestone of the ancient navigators, and is black in colour. The name is derived according to tradition, from a Lydian shepherd called Magnes. Magnetite is a fortunate stone for people born under Scorpio. 
Marble. - Is not a gem; it is composed of carbonate of lime. Marble is fortunate for people born under Gemini. 
Moonstone. - This is an opalescent form of feldspar, resembling in its colour the pale lustrous blue of moonlight. It symbolizes hope. This gem is fortunate for people born during the Cancer period, and may be worn with the emerald. 
Opal. - Unlike most other gem-stones, the opal is not crystalline in form. It is a variety of silica, is comparatively soft, and owes its beauty to the wonderful play of brilliant colour from its surface. The mineral is formed from the skeletons or the shells of very tiny plant and animal organisms. The opal symbolizes hope. Though superstition has grown up round it, and it has become regarded as a stone of ill fortune, this error is of comparatively recent date. Opal is a fortunate stone for those whose birthday falls under the influence of Libra, and may be worn with lapis lazuli. People born during the Cancer period ought not to wear either stone. 
Pearl.  - This beautiful gem is produced by the nacreous fluid secreted by certain shell-fish round a particle of hard matter that finds its way into the shell of the animal. It is found in the shells of certain freshwater mussels, and also in those of some kinds of oysters. Almost all the bivalves whose shell is lined with nacre, or "mother-of-pearl", produce pearls, but the commercial supplies come from the two we have named. What have come to be known as "cultured" pearls are produced by artificially introducing into oyster shells a grain of some hard substance, around which nucleus, in favourable circumstances, the oyster proceeds to build up a pearl. Pearls are symbolical of purity. They are not unlucky stones, though persons born during the Aries and Libra periods should not wear them. They are the stones of choice for people born under Cancer. With them, may be worn the emerald and moonstone.  
Rock-crystal. - This is a colourless, transparent variety of quartz. It is a stonefrom which the globes of crystal-gazers are fashioned. Rock crystal is a lucky stone for people whose birthday falls in the Pisces period, and may be worn with the amethyst. 
Ruby. - This stone is one of the corundum group, and takes its name from a Latin word referring to its red coloration. Ruby vary in hue from a pale pink to the deep red of the pigeon's-blood gem. Rubies are fortunate stones for people born under Capricorn. They are gems of ill augur to those whose birthday comes inthe Aries and Libra periods. 
Sapphire. - This beautiful blue stone is a variety of corundum. The blue sapphire is a stone of good omen, especially to people whose birthday falls in the Taurus period, but may be worn with benefit by all. If the turquoise be worn also, it will fortify the beneficial power of the sapphire. 
Sardonyx. - This stone is composed of sard (cornelian) and chalcedony in layers, the brownish red of sard showing through the less opaque chalcedony or onyx on the top. Its attribute is conjugal bliss. The sardonyx is fortunate for people born under Leo, its companion stone being the chrysolite. Like the latter, it is forbidden to people whose birthday falls in the Taurus and Scorpio periods. 
Serpentine. - This is more or less opaque stone, coloured various shades of green ranging to yellow. The best variety, "noble" serpentine, is somewhat translucent. This is a fortunatestone for people born under the zodiacal sign of Capricorn. 
Topaz. - The topaz is found in several colours of which the pink, yellow and white are the most highly prized. It is symbolical of faithfulness. The stone is one of fortune to people whose birthday falls within the Sagittarius period. It may be worn by all whose nativity falls outside the Pisces and Virgo periods. 
Tourmaline. - This gem-stone varies in hue from black to colourless, and includes pink, rose, blue, green and yellow shades. It is notable for its optical properties, and has also electrical qualities. When looked at in a certain direction, the crystal is transparent; when viewed in a direction at right angles to the first, it is opaque. The effect is due to the polarization of light by the tourmaline. The tourmaline is a fortunate stone for people born under Leo. 
Turquoise. - This stone comes mainly from Persia, where it is found in veins in the rock. Elsewhere in the East, it is found in Syria, China and Tibet; a poorer variety exists in Europe, in Saxony and Silesia. The name is believed to be derived from that of Turkey, whence the stone may have been first brought to the West. It symbolizes prosperty. The turquoise is a fortunate stone for people born during the Taurus period, but may be worn by all, irrespective of the date of their birth. With it should be worn a blue sapphire, when the influence of both gems is strengthened.  
White Sapphire. - White or colourless sapphires are somewhat rare. They sometimes pass for diamonds, since all forms of corundum are intensely hard and the colourless variety of sapphire bears a superficial likeness to the more valuable stone. The white sapphire bears the attribute of purity, and is fortunate for people whose birthday falls under the influence of the zodiacal sign of Pisces. 
HOUR  SUN          MON            TUES           WED.         THURS.     FRI             SAT
A.M. 1   Diamond         Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral              Turquoise       
        2    Coral              Turquoise       Diamond        Moonstone      Haematite      Jasper            Carbuncle       
       3     Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise       Diamond         Moonstone     Haematite       
        4     Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral              Turquoise       Diamond        
       5    Turquoise       Diamond        Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper             Carbuncle      Coral              
       6    Carbuncle      Coral              Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone      Haematite       Jasper             
       7    Haematite       Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise       Diamond         Moonstone     
       8     Diamond        Moonstone      Haematite     Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral               Turquoise       
        9    Coral              Turquoise       Diamond       Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper             Carbuncle       
      10    Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise      Diamond         Moonstone      Haematite       
       11    Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper           Carbuncle      Coral              Turquoise       Diamond        
      12    Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral           
P.M. 1     Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone     Haematite       Jasper                   
       2     Haematite       Jasper           Carbuncle     Coral              Turquoise      Diamond         Moonstone               
       3     Diamond         Moonstone    Haematite      Jasper           Carbuncle      Coral              Turquoise              
        4    Coral               Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone    Haematite       Jasper          Carbuncle                      
        5    Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone    Haematite           
        6    Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper           Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise      Diamond             
        7    Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone    Haematite     Jasper            Carbuncle      Coral                   
        8    Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise      Diamond       Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper                  
       9    Haematite       Jasper           Carbuncle     Coral             Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone          
      10    Diamond       Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper            Carbuncle     Coral            Turquoise           
       11    Coral            Turquoise       Diamond       Moonstone     Haematite      Jasper          Carbuncle                    
      12    Jasper          Carbuncle      Coral             Turquoise      Diamond        Moonstone     Haematite           



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