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By John and Maryse Locke 

Hameau Montcabirol is an isolated spacious medieval bastide built in the 12th century, situated on a foothill of the Pyrenees, in the heart of the Cathar country, at about 6 kilometres from the medieval town of Mirepoix (south of Toulouse on the map), and at 20 kilometres North from Montsegur. The ski stations are not very far away. It is in this region, which holds many attractions, that Tom and Kevin has invited us to stay one week in their company.

 We drove from our house in Paris to their place on the Saturday 31st October 2009. When we arrived in the afternoon, we discovered that our two hosts and their good friend Charles were able to accommodate all the fourteen visitors who came from far in the two large buildings. We were pleasantly surprised by the numbers of bedrooms and all the many large lounges. The entire bastide has been well decorated with precious furniture and antiques objects, which shows the refinement of our hosts. We also had at our disposal well equipped kitchens in each building, so that we could cook our food at the location. Local supermarket and other various shops were available at Mirepoix. During our stay, Tom has kindly cooked for all of us at two evenings.

 Some of the visitors came from Spain: Robin and Sandra Foy, Hylton and Rose Thompson, and Robert and Barbara McLernon. Walter and Karin Schnittger came from Germany. Brian and Heather Russell, and Ron and Jean Gilkes came from UK.

 Tom and Kevin told us that their home circle member, Carl, would join us on the sittings of the 3rd and 6th November 2009. Some of their local friends, Karina, Katie and Sue would join us too for these two great occasions. We heard so much about their amazing physical mediumship, and especially about the independent direct voices, the levitation of tables and trumpets, the spirit lights… We waited impatiently.

 Before the day of sitting, we already had received our « miracle » through the healing session Kevin has kindly given to John. John has been poorly for a long period, suffering from arthritis all over the body, including the soles of the feet and the fingers. After the healing, John felt like a « new man », and still does. All the pains have disappeared !

 In the mean time, we visited some places of the historical Occitania : Montsegur, Rennes le Château, Puyvert, Chalabre, Carcassonne and Mirepoix on the market day.

 When the day of the first sitting has arrived, on Tuesday 3rd November 2009, on the recommendation of Kevin, we limited our activities in order to stay focused and calm for the sitting. To respectfully align ourselves with the disciplined and humble way of John Campbell Sloan Circle when he was living in Scotland, we ate only vegetarian meal and no alcohol the evening before the sitting, and on the day of the seance, we decided to only have tea and some biscuits during all day. Both we arrived in the seance room at 7:00 PM with the right respectful, serene and relax attitude.

 The seance room, painted in blue, had been heated few hours prior the seance, and one of the two heating systems has been left on during the seance. The blue seance room itself is very large, with the wall behind the cabinet made of stones, with a blue wooden ceiling and a wooden floor. The chairs were arranged in theatre style, with three rows in front of the wide black cabinet made of black curtains. There were two red lights on to let us take our sit in silence and get comfortable. We have been asked to take off our shoes and any metal bracelets, necklaces, watches,… and to leave them in the lounge. No mobile phones or cameras either. The black cabinet was equipped with an electric red lamp controlled by a dimmer; it was hanging inside, above the chair of the medium; two small wooden tables with many fluorescent tape markers on them, and two trumpets with fluorescent markers too were set on each side of the chair. Kevin, the home circle leader, has set up two microphones and recording machine. Kevin was sat in the middle of the first row, just opposite of the cabinet, and he was controlling the music and the electric red light in the cabinet by remote control ; this red light has only been switched on at the moment of the transfiguration, when the very loud Native American drums and chanting were on. Kevin was using also a torch with a red filter during the seance for changing the music on the demand of the spirit guides.

 As soon as every one was settled, Tom came in, was strapped into the chair and verified to be correct. This check has been made several times during the seance.

 The seance, then, started with the opening prayer of protection on the medium and the entire attendance, and followed by the hymn « Abide with Me ». There was not a long wait after the music has stopped, when the independent direct voice of Jonathan could be heard, welcoming us to the seance.

 He thanked everybody for the hard work they are doing for Spirit movement. He said: —

 “This circle is, in my opinion, the upper and  called “coming energy” where we can conquer all. This will take time, but at this precise moment in time, there are many circles developing together and individually. There have been times during the years when this kind of mediumship was completely frowned on. We simply… and with great efforts on both sides of life, we have managed to connect the network of physical circles around the Globe, and there are all communicating together. There is still much to be done, and with people like yourselves, at the forefront of what spirits are trying to achieve, we will do this in a very short space of time. And this seance will be in two parts. There will be a part when questions can be asked”.

 After a short break with loud music, John Campbell Sloan came, said “Good evening everybody!”. He thanked all of us for coming from miles and miles, expressed his pleasure and invited us to ask our questions on the spiritual life and the afterlife.

 Robin Foy was the first one to ask his question about his group, and asked what can be done to help their own guides to come through. John Sloan answered that it is a question of gaining the right vibrations… He advised to sit quite for 5 minutes “to absorb” (to smooth?) and harmonise the energy and then to invite the guides… the more, the merrier.

 Heather Russell asked whether Spirits were using the vibrations from the medium’s vocal cords, and John Sloan replied, “Yes, to a certain extend.”. He said also that it does not the matter if it is female or male vocal cords. It is energy and vibrations from the Spirits which come through.

 Hylton Thompson asked his question about the seven levels of consciousness/existence, and especially if there is gradual transitions between the various stages, or sudden transitions after the first one — which is also part of the life and death in the physical. John answered “it depends on the individual, how they passed and by what means. The higher levels are very discreet and very subtle. One, who is happy to stay on the level 3, can stay there. It is an evolution thing”.

 Sandra Foy asked whether locations were important for the Great Plan of physical groups starting now. The answer was, “Yes, off course!” and John Sloan added, “If one measures the line between the circles, he would find very interesting things…

 To Kevin’s question, he answered, “All the groups are developing different things; they all have the capability to do most things. But what we try to do is to have one Great Big Seance… There are many mediums who have perfected at least one phenomenon and then they will be displayed to hundreds of people rather than to two or three or ten or twenty; and that’s what we need to do, and that’s what we are working towards. We are going to put a big tractor across people’s life from now on, and they are completely unaware of that. The Great Big Seance will be in the United Kingdom. They will be brought from all corners of the world, to be there on one time. There will be many more demonstrations here in Montcabirol; but not to the capacity that we can do in that place with halls in London. We can get up to 1500 people at once. There are two venues there that are quite appropriate, where there is no light in the auditorium. All the circles will meet before that; may be not all at once. It takes one year where we have three circles together, all producing different phenomena, which I believe, will be a big success.

 We understood that the three circles would have to trained and sit together before this great public event in London.

 John Locke stated that Spirits are working on the energies and frequencies of energies to have an easier communication between the two worlds, along with the new technologies, and asked if John Sloan had some comments about this subject. John Sloan said the only thing he can tell us is that the mediums have to raise their vibrations and the Spirits have to lower theirs, and then they can reunite. It is not just the mediums but also the sitters who have to raise their vibrations too. Where before the mediums had to go in such deep state of mind that they could not function properly… This way, Spirits will be more open to the sitters too, and every sitters’ energy will help to induce the phenomena.

 John Sloane confirmed that there is life in outer space, and that Spirits are working in harmony with other intelligences of other dimensions. He said there is so much life and so many different forms! The human race will have to evolve in a more intelligent and less conflictual way of co-existence with these other forms of life. John Sloan added that Humans will always have their Free will, Free expression, and Freedom of mind, otherwise there would be no point to live on Earth.

 About Instrumental Transcommunication, there is no need of circle for such type of experiment. Only an operator is needed. John Sloane anyway said that this sophisticated configuration which can pick up the vibrations is a Great Asset to the Spiritualist movement. About eventual sitters in the public ITC demonstrations or the occasional visitors, the problem of protection is the same as for the other sitters of classical physical circles, and concerns the right vibrations the sitters or visitors should gain… John Sloane also added to John Locke, “It doesn’t matter which way you get to these people, whether by clairvoyance, or whether you are doing what you do, if you can make one person believe or even so they don’t have fear anymore, it is very worthwhile! So, please, you carry on with that! It will come into it’s own. Transcommunication will be recognised more, because it will go hand in hand with Science.

 John Sloane asked for some music. During this interval, the fluorescent lights from the levitated tables and trumpets were flying high up and down at a great speed, and all over the places, dancing too on the rhythm of the loud music. We have also seen many large spirit lights moving in different areas of the atmosphere. Suddenly, John and myself we felt strong wind in front of our face, and then Spirits threw the shirt of the medium on John’s lap.

 Then the voice of John Sloan asked for the ties of the medium to be checked. Kevin switched the red torch on. It is when everybody saw the medium still in deep trance, still strapped to his chair, but without clothes on the top part of his body.

 Asking all of us to stand and hold hands, John Sloan then made us feel the vibration rising around us, and how we felt the rush of something… A feeling of being taller, higher and somehow weightless. He said his team was working on perfecting a technique for lifting all of us off the floor at the same time. Apparently, this levitation of sitters has already been performed by the Spirit team on the sitter Carl and the medium Tom. Sitters have just to tune into that energy.

 When we sat down again, Spirit Irene Simms came. She is playing the role of the clown in the spirit team. Apparently, through dematerialising and rematerialising the Foys pet animals, Irene made understand that Spirits had a message there for them; she said it is because of them: they should generously get the pet animals move in, and they should move out! Irene confirmed that some children actually were in the seance room. In a previous life, she died at 16 years old of plague in London; and then when she came back on Earth, she died in 1966 at 16 years old, when she felt on to the lions’ cage. She said, after two lives, in total 32 Earth years, that was quite enough!

 John Sloan came back for asking some music, and then he said, Goodnight and God Bless you! For closing the seance, Kevin asked Sandra Foy to say the closing prayer.

 Knowing not exactly what to expect, this first seance was already amazing! The independent direct voices and the other phenomena came so easily!

 Once, in Cawston College (Norfolk, UK), John and myself, we have been asked by Blue Mountain to help a young trance English medium to build the ectoplasmic voice box. The entire seance took place in a red dim light, with seven witnesses sat in the large room, all contributing with the right positive energy. We could see the voice box appearing and laying on the left shoulder of the medium who was in deep trance, sat in a wooden black cabinet without curtains. The voice of the native American Indian, Blue Mountain, when talking few minutes before through the vocal cords of the medium in deep trance, was totally different from the voice of the same guide coming out of the ectoplasmic voice box. There has been a moment of silence during the creation of the voice box, and then we could hear the microphone cracking sounds coming out of the voice box; then Blue Mountain began to talk to us again through it, with this different voice. The Spirits having higher vibrations, the difficulty to slow down the particles in order to synchronise with our laws of physics may be another reason why the independent voices are coming distorted.

 A voice box is an artificially device made with a tiny piece of ectoplasm taken from the body of the medium; and all the Spirits talking through the same device each time may have a different voice than the voice they used to have while living on Earth, as this voice box is a standard design for all these entities who have to make it working through their thought concentration. This is the second reason of the voices’ differences.


6th NOVEMBER 2009

After few days of waiting in anticipation, using our spare time in various visits of the Cathar country, the great day has arrived! We knew it would be a great day because we felt rested and in better shape. And Spirits had the time to know our energy. 

We all entered in the seance room, in silence; we took the chair that has been assigned to each of us. Tom came in, took his chair in the cabinet, and Carl strapped him to his chair; then the black curtain has been closed across the cabinet, in front of Tom’s chair. As soon as the dim red light has been switched off, Kevin opened the seance with a prayer asking for our protection and the protection of the medium. Then the hymn « Abide with me » has been put on again by Kevin.

 We did not have to wait long. As soon as the music stopped, the Spirit guide Yellow Cloud was the first to come. The summary of the discussions follows: 

After introducing himself, welcoming us and thanking us for our attendance, Yellow Cloud said, «  their Spirit team hope to produce some phenomena that will prove to us the afterlife; this will be in a very different forms. Please, do not think that all phenomena are emanating from the cabinet. If you are aware of anything you are touched, please share this with the rest of the sitters. I have been asked if you have any questions. I might be able to answer where Mr Sloan was unable to. I shall try my outmost to answer to your questions to your satisfaction » 

Hylton Thompson asked about the heavy or evil atmosphere within some buildings. He wondered if it was because of some earthbound spirits or because of the memory property of the stones. Yellow Cloud answered it is a combination of all the things Hylton mentioned. The fabric of the physical building can store many energies through the period time, and both good and evil. And when you go into an atmosphere or even in a public building you will be made aware of the variations of that atmosphere you are in, as the evil or the celestial.  

Hylton: Is there any limit to the length of time that these memories are held in the public buildings? 

Yellow Cloud: There is no limit on this, other than… There is the Spirits, who has been grounded in that building, and then they have been released and passed in the Spirit world; and then that part of the energy will be eliminated.  

The stones have some consciousness, some awareness. Confirmed by Yellow Cloud. Of the nations that built the building, and all the activities that went on, when building, from people who have passed on during the construction, etc, etc. 

Yellow Cloud said that everything on the Earth plane has an etheric body, (the aura of inanimate objects like pieces of stones included), and that remains permanent for while the Spirits resides in such physical and etheric body exists. There is life all around you.

 Robin: Are you aware of others guides who work with other groups? We do, We get together and discuss through the projects of the groups and existence. Yes, we suggest there can be changes or improvements, but the individual circle is guided by their guides. 

Heather: I come from a region called Norfolk, in England; people say not coincidental that there is high concentration of mediums.  

Yellow Cloud answered: There are many many places on this Earth of yours that are predestined to this kind of phenomena. There are all measured very precisely where there is an exact distance between yourselves and other groups that are developing the same. You can look into this and you will find that I am telling you something that has intrigued many people for many many years. Please, look toward other circle that is developing in the Netherlands and another one is developing at the West Coast of Ireland. This forms a TRIANGLE OF ENERGY, within the boundaries of those lines, sometimes refer to as « Ley Lines ». Does it answer to your questions? You are very fortunate to live in an area such as you know.  

Yellow Cloud: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Maryse.

 Maryse: it is a pleasure for me too, because as I know that you are a friend of Red Cloud.

 Yellow Cloud: Yes he is my spiritual father.

 Maryse: There is an area near from here called « Rennes le Château ». It seems that the priest Berangere F. Saunière had some secret message to transmit, but he has not been understood.

Yellow Cloud: That message has been transmitted many many times, and misunderterprated more than that. They have to listen to something that your mind cannot comprehend; therefore they dismiss it and this is the message that has been relayed. The message will become apparent one day, when the « someone » who comes along can live the Earth life completely alone. And if you wish to go into this, with the inquiring mind that you have, it very well will be yourself who will come into possession of the message that some many are searching for.

 Maryse: There is something that is connected with our home in Paris, it is the 22 steps that we have found in Rennes le Château. We do not fully understand the origin of this knowledge. We would like to understand…

 Yellow Cloud: Yes, this is one of the situations that Spirits cannot divulge as a group. This information is very sensitive and the person who eventually receives this will have a burden to bear. This needs a very strong being to understand and translate the message within.

 Maryse: And certainly a lot of generosity too? Yes I have understood…

 Walter: Concerning the ultimate target of our life (the purpose).

 Yellow Cloud: The final target for your life is in the immortality. That is the answer that you will learn throughout your existence. Every time you will learn something else. And by the time, you will have discovered the meaning of life. And by the time, it will be as if you have been aware of that. In due course, the ultimate is to do work and to make the world a place of love and compassion, and not violence and hatred as the Earth plane is today. We must and have to carry on and discover these things at a pace, if you can take on board and understand fully. Does that help you?

 Walter: Always learning, continuously until we pass over to your side of life.

Yellow Cloud: Yes that is correct! Learning means we have learnt and … until you get to the point when you have been filled with the capacity, with that knowledge that you wished, used the time to be stored within the cells of your being, ready to be used in the next part of your path. You never forget these lessons but at the same time are not consciously aware; but you will react naturally to the situations that will arise during your time on the Earth plane, to be able to deal with that to the satisfaction of yourself.

 Yellow Cloud confirmed there is no time in Spirit at all.

 Walter: everything has been either done already or basically everything has happened already. Does this mean we do not have re-incarnation? 

Yellow Cloud: You have reincarnation on many cases. Those cases are usually when something has not been achieved. That the soul and mind wish to carry on. And you can come back until that has been achieved. But the time factor does not enter in that equation.

Walter: Is there be reincarnation, or there is a small time, or everything is already existing.

 Yellow Cloud: You can say that in that dimension that you are in at this moment. When you reach another dimension, — which can be achieved, sometimes, through meditation — and that you will then understand, and slowly you will become aware.

 Hylton: How do you have music without time?

 Yellow Cloud: These are achieved by the impressions and vibrations of the spirits, and can been made at any time then; there is lots to be listen to, when you listen to music, as you might be aware of; you have no conception of time. Only on the Earth plane. And this is similar to the way we achieve to be able to listen and to see our ancestors who have passed many years before. And we are reunited at various times of your Earth year. It sounds as if I am in contradiction of myself, but we are we take, and that is up of the time on the Earth plane. This is significant to us to where we live in the after life. But we must be able to understand the workings of the Earth plane.

Hylton: Vibration is itself is a time dependent thing.

 Yellow Cloud: Without being to be technical, it is a number of vibrations per second. I use the term vibrations only because you can understand that. It is much more scientific the way of doing and working this problem out. And it is away above my knowledge, of this scientific formula, this causes this vibration as I call it. But time does not enter... Can we have a young lady, please?

 Yellow Cloud: Can every body hear what is being said? I understand that there have been problems.

 Sue: I have been watching some videos on U Tube, on Internet that I have found very interesting. It has to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes. And we are entering into a time when we are at an extreme or we are entering into the next cycle of the procession of the Equinoxes, and during that time, it is over period of may be 2 or 3 years, there is a change in the magnetic force of the Earth. It diminishes and there will be time where there will be no magnetic force. My question is will that affect our electric as it works or electricity as it works on the Earth to day?

 Yellow Cloud: I do apologise, I do not understand the relation of the electricity supply on Earth plane and the magnetic force of the Earth axis.

 Sue: Polarity, magnetic forces…

Yellow Cloud: Are you always having energy to be able to see and to be warm and to be cold. This is not going to happen in the foreseeable future. This is a problem that will be looked at when it becomes apparent, that is causing problems for the Earth beings. Don’t question yourself with that at the moment. There are more important problems that your intelligence can be tuned to. And much more use to mankind. We have to get things into perspective. We are entering at a different world, but this is will be a very gradual transition. That no one would think that things are coming to an end. Things are not coming to an end; they are simply going to change for the better. The plan is that the Earth where you live on together in peace and harmony, ready for the next stage of the evolution of the Universe. Where all living creatures can live in harmony and this is the beginning of! It will take many many years, centuries to come into force and it will not be apparent to the population at that time. It has all to do to what is causing all the problems on the Earth plane, which I believe, is called the « MEDIAS ». This is scare mongering in the extreme. And that is one of the many reasons why this is such an important movement, to carry one. The more people are aware, the easier the transition will be.

 Maryse: Yellow Cloud, Red Cloud, your spiritual father, talked to us about the Pan-dimensional technology used by some advanced civilisations in the Cosmos, helping the Spirits. I would like some examples of this help, if you can tell us about it.

 Yellow Cloud: There had been many many occasions when this has come into force. Usually time of strive and warfare what is happening on the Earth plane at this moment. And I can ensure this is occurring when the Leaders on the Earth plane have been advised by Leaders on other universes and solar systems. And they will achieve eventually this harmony and this essential for the universe to live on. This is where the non-existence of time begins to make sense to intelligent people on the Earth plane. You can have no conception of the time limit in Earth and in years that we are taking about. I know that every body needs to be assured that their lives will be protected, but as will all mortals you will pass when it is time to pass, and if you need to come back to pick up the pieces, then you will be reincarnated.

 Maryse: About the Crops circles. Are they coming from the Pan-dimensional technology?

 Yellow Cloud: Some of them. But not all! This is a phenomenon that does take place, but that so often as is termed by the MEDIAS.

 Maryse: We do not understand the meanings of the symbols of these crops’ circles...

 Yellow Cloud: You must look back in the earlier civilisations, and there, with the intelligence you obviously have, you will be able to work that out. I believe that this is part of the work that you do for Spirits, and we thank you for your effort. Please carry on!


 Yellow Cloud: Now I think we should have a little lighten heartiness. And I believe that this lovely lady has to do what I have been told is a « gig ». I will leave you all, and thank you for your attention. I require no thanks, but it is appreciated.

 All: Thank you, Yellow Cloud!

 [MUSIC: An Irish gig and we heard Mammy, the wife of John Sloan, dancing. Mammy also came at the back row, behind Hylton, and danced. She is being very bold now. Sue has confirmed her dancing at the back row too.]

 John Sloan: The energy is much better today. Some day lights coming through the door. They rectified it. That’s better! That’s better!

 Karina: Herbs. Some people can heal themselves with plants or beetroot that can help.

 John Sloan: Anything that is natural can be beneficial to your mind, to your soul, to your body, anything that has not been modified. Beneficial to your life. Some can be taken in such quantities that it could have a bad effect on you, so it has to be taken in moderation… Everything in moderation. I know exactly what you are referring too. Vitamins: It is clinically modified to some extend. Vitamins from natural plants and herbs are more beneficial and much cheaper. You can use herbs, everything that as grown naturally, that you need, can be all benefit to your life… If have yourself believe. You can heal yourself. All you need is to believe. And your soul. And you can, with some help I may say, make yourself better. But you don’t have to do those things because you have a real healer right at your doorsteps. We are aware of your healing powers, and we must exercise then. For the benefit of others and for yourself: the more you give, the more you get, and it is not on a financial way. That is easy: you give love, and you get love back. We can help… You get, and what you get, you give. Natural law!

 Kevin: Does wearing synthetic clothing affect our vibrations?


John Sloan: To a certain extend. Not so much with this energy. The answer is Yes! And specially those self iron shirts. You cannot get through them. Nothing can get in and out, in a spiritual way. Sometimes, in the healing room, some people wearing things that are man made. It has an effect, because you dealing with a different energy. If possible NATURAL FIBRES.


Rob: a particular place in the universe that will be associated with the helping us some way.

 John Sloan: There are many many places. There are very very light intensive, but not round about this solar system. You have to go much further our field. But the ancient speaking through the planets, everything is based on intelligence to come back to the people who need it. Where do you think all this technology comes from in the last thirty years? Don’t think for one minute that the human mind has not needed our help. They had a lot of help. A lot of help! Don’t think it is a good thing or a bad thing. But it is necessary now. 

Robin: Are you aware of other dimensions that help this Earth, say from the Pleiades?

 John Sloan: Oh! No, that’s a technical one! The Pleiades. I don’t know if I can help with that one. There are so much intelligences out there that all try to work together. You heard about the big Bang? What is happening just now is they are trying to put it back again. It is very true, very true! There is lot of this stuff that is not necessary. That is what is happening. It takes a long time, in your time, but it is well progressing now, progressing very well! And people on the Earth plane are going to be much more able to acknowledge what they call the UFOs. You know, like what we do here, every body got this logical explanation. But they don’t, you see; they just make that up. They make themselves sound as if they are right. When you go into such sort of things, you can deeply deeply deeply complicate it. And there are many things the Earth mind cannot take in, and the brain of the Man has slowly slowly been expanded, not so much expanded, but there is so much of the brain that has never been used. And it is slowly being stimulated. When that stimulation takes place, it opens up so many boundaries! That is just mind timeless. Every thing, every thing will become right. Hopefully, You will be able to come back and experience in different stages of this evolution. As it has done in the last few thousands of years.

Walter: Question about Communication & exchanges of information between Spirits and our Earth plane. If it is possible to have complete neutral exchange of information, or if there will be always a medium involve, which is influencing the information.

 John Sloan: Oh, not at all! The type of energy we start to used now, in few years time, we won’t need a medium… Because the sitters are the mediums. “Collective mediums”! That is where we can get this energy. There is not any reason why young Tom should sit in that cabinet all the time. These things are changing. Basically the need for a medium will cease to exist. We have someone who is called “the medium” at the moment. You are all the mediums!

 Karin: Would you tell us how you perceiving us sitting in this room. Do you perceive our feelings, our emotions?

 John Sloan: I perceive your energy. I can tell when someone is not in harmony with the rest of the group. I can tell if you are sad; or if you are happy, or for example if you are just indifferent to the all things. And at the end, you get a response by the way you use the energy. We had a problem the other day because there was someone here who was terrified to death! And we did not want to push any further. I am sure you are aware now.

 John Locke: The question I have. We feel and realise that many people on Earth now want to communicate with Spirits. They don’t oppose to religion. They feel more comfortable, I think, at trying to communicate with Spirits. There is discussion about may be electromagnetic pollution, or the chemical pollution, is effecting the communication. Can you comment on that, please?

 John Sloan: Well! It does have an adverse effect, but not really. What does have an effect is what you do to the planet. You suck it dry. And one day, something is not done; you are taking all out the Earth and feel it out with rubbish. And one day that’s what you got to be in touch with other civilisations. It is all very well, you know, that all the refugees in Africa can come to France. Refugees in a world without any food. Where do you go? Or another comes to spirit? Or to another place to live? It is not so incredible as some people think. It is not different to six or seven hundred years ago, when people were finding America… places like that. It is just another frontier. That must make sense.

 [John Sloan did not want to talk about history, but only about after-life.]

 Robin: Can you talk a bit of your mediumship when you were on Earth.

 John Sloan: There are many home circles. It is an entertainment. It was not taken seriously. Because more people believe in it. We were going to people’s houses, to just sit. Nothing like it is today! May be… What it should have been, I don’t know. But those days, we were able to help people; and really and truly, I had not finished my work. This is why I have come back now. Let us see if we can help the mediumship of young Tom. There were many things we could not approach in those days. But now it is quite acceptable. It is not acceptable, but they keep a blind eye. So Yes! I was very privileged to be able to help. If was all for my great friend Arthur Findlay, if it was not for him, you would have not heard about me at all. He is coming back. Oh, Yes! You will be very aware of that quite soon.

 Kevin: Just has he ever talked to you about what is happening about Stansted?

 John Sloan: Oh! He does not bother with that now. He is so sick to the back teeth of that! You know, it is been punched in the face. No! He is not happy at all.

 Kevin: I suppose it is the same with Harry as well?

 John Sloan: Oh Yes! You know how he is aware? Because he is using you all the time.

 Kevin: I do, John.

 John Sloan: Lovely man! Lovely men, the pair of them. I call them men of words. Too many words! [Laughs]

 Hylton: What I would like you to say, the Bible codes, coding that is in the Bible from the beginning to end with prophecies that are normally accurate. They are so consistent! The formula has been written and computers can be used to extract the information about the coding.

 John Sloan: I knew the Bible four hundred years ago. It is not the same book! Those prophecies seem to slip in and out again. I saw the people on their toes. It has all to do with religion and deviousness. These people make these things up, it is just to keep the church alive. Now, they started all those stories about these things in it. Were do you first hear about? Who did you hear from?

 Hylton: Well I hear these from friends all over the world who are “Born Again Christians”.

 John Sloan: Oh! That’s it, then! [Laughs]. Who proved it has been accurate? Yeah! “Born Again Christians”! [Laughs]. As you know, Hylton, there are no such things as coincidences. As you know, these “coincidences” can be made… You must know that these people, no just in the Bible, but in the Koran, in all the other things, it is all to keep you and check. It is all power again! To keep the millions in a place, to tell them, to keep them in their place. And it is true in all the religions. I am sorry to say that, it is true! Don’t worry about that. You know what is the truth. You know what is right; you know what is wrong. You don’t need any body to tell you what is right, what is wrong. Don’t emphasis some body’s else remarks. How well justified makes them look! Sorry, but I am just telling you this.

 Hylton: Can I ask you something else, then? An apport, a material that has just been found on the table, in the seance room: Is it possible that in some cases, that has actually just been created? Not transported in the seance room, but created by Spirits in the Spirit World.

 John Sloan: Yes, it is true; that can happen! You see there are not many many real apports from Spirits as such. These apports you are referring such as flower for instance disappearing. For instance, I give young Kevin a ten-shilling note, and then it was not brought from Spirits. It has been taken from my grandson’s drawer, and given to Kevin. Or you can have apport of something living, a flower, a plant, in some cases some small animals and they are gifts from Spirits; which is different from these peoples who find something on the side of the road and bring it in. But the thing is different here, as it has to be dematerialised and materialised; this is the phenomenon we are trying to show you here. But Spirits are all life animated thing, a gift from the Spirit World. There have been many times where there have been flowers that have been apported. And the sitters could not even recognise them. They cannot tell you the colour for instance, they cannot explain the fragrance; these are true gifts from Spirits.

 Maryse: It is still about the apports. In Tuscany, there is a medium called Marcello BACCI who has many apports every day. And Spirits said, “ they are genuine and it is because the place is SAFE ”. Can you elaborate this word “SAFE”, so that we understand the conditions that are needed?

 John Sloan: The word “SAFE”, as far as we are concerned, when you have a circle, or a place for instance as this place, that have absolute absolute protection from Spirits. There is no way in the world that someone can interrupt us today! That is a SAFE PLACE. And we will have apports, we will have phenomena in time that no one will be able to explain away. You will see things that you have never seen before in your life. Objects that you cannot understand what they are. They will be true gifts from Spirits, and these gifts will be there to help you understand. Certain procedures must be maintained and all for this to happen. The whole thing has to do with love, trust, and all the POSITIVE EMOTIONS that human people bear. PSYCHIC NEGATIVITY and all will be lost! If, for instance, you have an apport, and you wish to give it, you can. But as soon, if ever, your FAITH in Spirits diminishes, so will be apport!

 [People reported three Spirit’s lights flying around. The table and the trumpets were levitated and the trumpets were dancing in the atmosphere. There have been three bangs heard too. Something hit the floor, and the trumpets went down. The Spirit lights were still there. The table just moved and turned around. And then we heard three knocks on the table.]

 John Sloan: Sit very quietly for a minute or two!

 Irene: Hello! Nice to see you again! You might be able to see me before the show is over. You liked the trumpets? You know, I have never been used to do that. Nothing stops me know. Did you all have nice time?

 [Robin complimented on Irene voice. She thanked him. She has asked Kevin for some Tango music. Kevin put the tango “La Comparsita” on. A great moment of enjoyment, not only for Irene, but for all of us too!]

 [Carl checked the curtain and the ties of the medium.]

 [Hylton, Sue, Maryse, and others said Spirits have touched them.]

 Brian: Last time on Tuesday, you mentioned you came with your children. Did they grow up with you there, or did they come back to the Earth plane to learn more?

 Irene: It is Karina’s children here waiting for her, and they will wait until she arrives. Before there is any thing happens with them. When she comes to Spirit, she will see her children as they were the morning they left. And then, they will grow together as they would have done on the Earth plane, as a family.

 Kevin: You have been baby sitter for a long time!

 Sue: Do you also see the forests?

 Irene: Only if you want to, dear! You will not go to where one of them is. You know the one I am talking about. Naughty and vicious! Horrible man!

 John Locke: Irene, can you tell us a little bit what it is to live on the other side? What is there? What is different between the Spirit plane and the Earth plane?

 Irene: Well! Really you know, it is all to do with your mind. The Spirit world can almost be identical to the life

you lived on the Earth plane. You have houses, you have furniture. But all is etheric. It is for you to desire. What you deserve, you can have. You can get anything! You can get promotion and have different things. I am quite happy to have each one.

 Sue: Does that mean when I go to Spirit world, I can eat as much as I want without putting on any weight?

 Irene: [ She cried out like a clown to make every body laugh] Aaaaaaah! You can do as you want! You can get as many of those fat kebabs as you like!

 Sue: When I go to the Spirit world, the children will not recognise me, as I shall be an old woman and a grandmother, not their mother any more.

 Irene: Yes, my dear! But when you get to the Spirit world, they will meet and will see you as you were that day. It works both ways.

Maryse: I have been told that you have an atmosphere with Argon gas that you breath.

 Irene: We don’t really breath, so I don’t know what’s all about. There is an atmosphere I suppose, but I don’t know what it is called… But if you said it is called that, then it is what you said it is.

 John: As you evolve as Spirit, when do you lose your earthly format? When you do no longer look as you did on Earth? On what level do you change?

 Irene: Well! About level 5. You have got all your memories until you go there. You do recall them I must say. You don’t have them, but you can recall if you wish you don’t need them, because you are celestial being then; and you will fly off. You will be a light of the universe. All burning each eternal light.

 John: When you meet your friends or family, do they look the same as you remember them?

 Irene: When we first meet, Yes! Otherwise, it would not be able to recognise each other, would you? Then the realisation takes place. You will be very very very comfortable in your new etheric body.

John: Do you have houses?

 Irene: Yes, if you want a house, you can have a house.

 John: I hope, there is no polluting cars.

 Irene: There are no polluting cars. Nothing like that. If you want to be somewhere, you just have to think about it and you can be there. It is the think, your desire, and you behaved and lived a descent life, that’s when you get your reward. You will be able to do things that you never dreamed of. And there is no time, either!

 John: Can you travel to other planets?

 Irene: you can travel wherever you like. Because when you get there, it is a completely different dimension with different thought processes, all is different from the mental psychic concern. Things will not bother you, that did bother you on the Earth plane. Either! You must be ready for that, when this life finishes. And you want things. That will be in continuous existence, with knowledge you gained from previous incarnations. And so it goes on and on. So until you get to the celestial level, and then you forget it all. And it is love.

 John: We have been told there are Spirit groups or soul groups, when souls are grouped together.

 Irene: It is true! Yellow Cloud could have told you about that. Holding news. Chiefs, and guides having their own space, if you like, where they can discuss the problems and issues of their Earth life. As you have compartments on Earth time for discussions, we have in Spirit. We have sits of learning, teaching things, that you would never think about until you passed. You will become very interest in and you will take part in every thing that goes on

 Hylton: How near to that state do you get in a very deep dream state?

 Irene: How near do you get to that? Not actually as you sleep. If you go into semi-trance, for instance, the journey that you take is in a reception area of the Spirit World. And you can see what you are going, and what to expect. You are not aware of that, when you come back to the normal state of consciousness. So you have that in reserve, deep inside your soul and your mind. Which stands you in good state for later on, in your new development if you like.

 Hylton: Lots of surprises when you go in the Spirit world.

 Irene: Not at all! We will all be waiting for you, my darling!

 Robin: I got a son in the Spirit World. And on two occasions, about two and a half years ago, while we were sitting, on the first night, he materialised as a young child. I was not aware of his existence until then. And on the next night, he materialised as a man, and he was able to embrace me on that occasion and speak to me. Is it possible from the spirit World to be able to communicate with us at any age? Can you represent yourself at any age?

 Irene: Yes! Of course, you can. He is like Mr Sloan. He wants to stay the way he was. I would have never looked like him. [Laughs] Sorry, Mister Sloan! I do apologise!

 Maryse: We have been told that when we die, a Spirit team is taking us through some vortex to reach your world. Is this taking place on the day of burial, or few days after?

 Irene: My dear, as soon as the cord is cut, that is when you are physically dead. The funeral has no consequence at all. Not at all!

 Maryse: So eventually the person who passed over is already in your world before the burial?

 Irene: Oh, Yes! Jonathan has told me that he was at his own funeral. He was so upset that every body was mourning, because he was not a person who believed in that. About the flowers, he did not like the colours; the mass of money they spent on it, they could be given to someone in need. It is unnecessary.

 Kevin: What do you think about burial, Irene? Is cremation better?

 Irene: Oh! Yes.

 Karina: What about these donations of organs?

Irene: It is something that you have to make up your mind yourself, dear.

Karina: As it only happened.

 Irene: If it is something that makes you feel good, for your soul, do it! Something that has you get your mind yourself.

 Kevin: Spirits are not too happy about transplant, Irene?

 Irene: Well! You know the story. It does not the matter how many hearts they put inside you, as you will pass. It is very good in some circumstances. If that can happen, the person must be of the same mind and so believed before this could be working properly. If you want to give your organs, dear, it is your choice! We will not interfere.

 Jean: We have been told that when we pass over, we meet with our loved ones. Is there any limited time we can spend with them? Can we see them often? Sometimes? Or be with them whenever we wish?

 Irene: You can be with them ever you wish, provided that you are on the same plane. For instance, you pass… you will probably pass on a good level three. I know that your mother is on level four, and is almost moving up. But she can come and see you. Until you earned it, or you have been moved, you can come and see her, and she can spend as much time with you as she likes, and these things.

 John: Can you tell us about the karmic debts that people talk about?

 Irene: It is really a big big thing. The karmic debts: if you have been bad, vicious, cruel, person on the Earth plane, no matter the world perceives you, you can have problems with karmic debts. Every thing has to be repaid. They have done wrong. And wrong, and right. It is a huge subject, right or wrong, it is not for mankind to distinguish in between. Only Spirits can decide what’s right, what’s wrong. But in cases, there are a lot of karmic debts to be paid. However, when you did pass, as I have said before, in another consciousness, the things you did wrong you will relive and regret. And if you don’t regret, you will not move on. So karmic debt has to be paid as all things do.

 Sue: Irene, can you tell me what is happening when someone commits suicide.

 Karina: He dies! [Many Laughs]

 Irene: We had this conversation so many times! Suicide is not black and white issue. For many reasons by people, decide to take their life. If someone takes his life, for selfish reasons. For instance, that’s a funny game when one is going to hurt, you put them in one on those institutions, they cannot see any other way out, and we would be very gentle them; if someone is terminally ill and wish to take their life, we will be gentle with them; if someone is terminally ill who is dependent; and others for the quality of life, then euthanasia is acceptable, because if it suits someone else’s life to be able to live as a healthy person…

 Sue: Ok! Thank you Irene. It is because my father committed suicide, and I wonder where he is now.

 Irene: You have to know the circumstances.

Sue: I don’t really know really myself.

 Irene: I will work on that one. I will find for you. I will give you an answer. Right! It is a bit morbid, isn’t it?

 Karina: Do you have parties, there?

 Irene: Yes, dear! You can have a party.

 Heather: Irene, I have few questions. Can you tell us about… You used to work in a Circus in Southend.

 Irene: Well! I was all over the places. I was born in Southend.

 Heather: Oh! Well! There was a Kursaal there.

 Irene: I was only seven when I left there. I don’t know to much about this Kursaal. I remember the fun fair. There was another one in there somewhere. I remember to have been there. “Dreamland” or something it was called. Yes, I remember that. I used to have great fun there. Where are you from?

 Heather: I am actually from London, but I have spent most of my life in Southend.

 Irene: It is not the same now.

 Heather: No, it is very busy now.

 Irene: Yes, very, very. Violence at the weekends. I do not recognise it when it goes bad. All beach, isn’t it? It is in a state.

 Hylton: Can I ask you a personal question? My young son, he was 31 in the year 2000, and he disappeared; and no one in the family knows where he is gone. Nobody seems to know where he is gone. He literally seemed to have disappeared. Are you able to tell me where he is?

 Irene: I am just asking about… He is not in Europe. I think you will find… Yes! Very South. I think New Zealand is your best bet. I think you should look there.

 Maryse: Which part of the Island? The North or the South?

 Irene: I don’t know. Just New Zealand, I have been told. I will look into that for you. I’ll find him for you. Give me some times, I’ll find him for you, I promise!

 Kevin: What is his name?

 Hylton: Steven Thompson.

 Irene: That rings the bell! [Laughs]. No. I will help you to find your son! It is a solemn promise.

Jhn Sloan: Hello! She is gone in her corner there.

 Kevin: Is she ok?

 John Sloan: Yes, she is ok. Put nice soft music, as we have lot to get over. A nice calm music

 Kevin: We are love

 Yellow Cloud: We are love

 All the Sitters: We are love


 Irene: What do you think of that, then?

 Kevin: Wonderful, Irene! Thank you!

 John stated that someone just touched him.

 John Sloan thanked every body again and blessed every body. And he added, “and we hope it will make life a little bit more easier to bear. I sincerely hope you managed to take this in the afternoon. God Bless you all. Good night! ”

 (Music: “Imagine” from John Lennon]

 Rose Thompson closed the seance with a beautiful prayer.

 Thank you Spirits, Tom and Kevin for all your efforts. We thoroughly appreciated all the things you have done for us. The entire week has been upfifting.




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