Learning and Sharing

Healing the World

Preferred Links


Kai Muegge and the

Felix Experimental
Group (FEG)

Ershamstar School of mediumship
development, full board,
near Canterbury, Kent, UK

raining programme
for 2017

click here


 David Bailey
THE LIGHT in Music 


Joy and Clarity

Trance Channelling
Dan and Alexandra


Orion Silverstar
click here


Our preferred links Part 1
(Please let us know if you have any other ITC or Physical Mediumship Research
 websites that can be added to our list)


Noelia & Luis Mariani
Barbara Hicks
Australian Group - Canberra
Trance Medium
Waldis Jirgen
Australian group
Woodlands Sanctuary
Garth and Audrey Willey
School of Mediumship development, Gruyere, Australie
Address :
3 Woodland Way
Gruyere, 3770 Victoria, Australia
Tel: 00 61+3+5964 9432
(International callers)
03 5964 9432 (national callers)
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NEXUS Magazine
Magazine about Behind the news, Health, Future Science, Bio-resonance, The Secret Ufo Agenda, ...
Orion Silverstar 
TCI researcher
Psychic Seek - Helen Campbell
International Psychic Directory


Maria Manov
Dr Elmar R. Gruber


Electronic Voice Phenomena Belgium
Jean de Meulder
Isabelle Duchene
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0032 3 3264686
mobile : 0032 472564824
Phyllis Delduque & Paulo Roberto Gomes Cabral
Alexandre de Carvalho Borges
Instituto de Pesquisas Avançadas em Transcomunicação Instrumental:
Sonia Rinaldi
Sao Paulo
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.';document.getElementById('cloak6059a26f59a64d3bdeb0938799ed3762').innerHTML += ''+addy_text6059a26f59a64d3bdeb0938799ed3762+'<\/a>';
Dr Edison Flavio MARTINS & Vera Lucia Galvani Sgarbi
Dr Nelson Teixeira
La Casa of Saint Francis of Assisi
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon. His guide is Dr Hansen, a German Spirit.
Casa da Fraternidade
"Sao Francisco de d'Assis",
Rua do Médico, 80,
Bairro Santo Inácio,
Cep 38412-306 UBERLANDIA - MG
Tél. : 0055 34 3238 6552
João Teixeria de Faria a Casa of Saint Ignace of Loyola (called also João de Deus, John of God)
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon.
His guide is Dr Augusto
La Casa de Dom Inácio
à Abadiânia
From France, called the
00 55 62 343 1254
Paulo Neto
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon.
Has no Healing Center.
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon since 40 years. His Healing Center is at Brasilia.
Rubens Faria
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon.
His guide : Dr Fritz, a military doctor who was already the control of the medium healer Ze Arigo.
We would like to have the address
of his center. If you know it, please,
write to us.
Nous souhaiterions avoir l'adresse
de son Centre. Si vous le connaissez, S.V.P., écrivez nous.
Mario Drago (Péruvian) & Paixao
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon, living at Buritis, state of Minas Gerias, in the North.
Mauricio Magalhaes
Trance Medium healer & psychic surgeon.
His guide : Dr Fritz
Valdelice Salum
Casa Fraterna Franscico de Assis
Medium artist, Sao Paulo
Maria Gertrudes Coelho
Medium artist, at Ituiutaba, State of the Minas Gerais
Adresse : Av. 01, n.º 644 -
Centro38300-172 -
Ituiutaba-Minas Gerais
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Florencio Reverendo Anton
Medium artist, at Salvador
Comunidade Maria de Nazaré
Rua Dr. Arthur Couto nº 63
A Setor-C.Mussurunga
ICEP: 41510-380 Salvador
- BA - Brasil
Peter Stein
ITC Researcher
Ray Brown
Excellent Trance medium and Healer
(his guide is St Paul of Tarsus)
Private healing appointment :
Tel : 01889 560 909
Andrew McKellar
Excellent Medium Healer for the Cancer,
psychic Surgery,
Southampton (UK)
Paul Case
Excellent trance Medium (we strongly recommend him), Banbury, Oxfordshire
Tel : 00 (44) 1295 271163
RoyStemman's Paranormal Review
Free Magazine on Internet about paranormal subjects
Stewart Alexander
Trance & Physical Medium
Book for a sitting near Ray Lister
(Stewart 's manager)
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(replace * by @)
Wisdom of Hai
Paul & Eileen Mc Glone
English Group - Stockport Trance Medium
Marion Dampier-Jeans
Medium London & Danemark
Paul Jacobs
Medium & mediumship teacher at Arthur Findlay College
Janet Parker
Medium & mediumship teacher at Arthur Findlay College, specially for the "French Weeks"
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Keith Hall
Medium , Londres
Tel :07919 857173 (from UK)
00 (44) 7919 857173 (international call)
Gordon Smith
Medium, UK
Physical Medium Leslie Flint
Various Spirit Direct Voice Recordings
NEXUS Magazine
Magazine about Behind the news, Health, Future Science, Bio-resonance, The Secret Ufo Agenda, ...
Michael Roll
Penny's forum
Site on Physical phenomena
MacRae, Alexander
The Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.)
Michael Wheeler-Wyatt
English Group
Judith Chilshom
Raymond Cass Foundation
Tina Laurent
We recommend this excellent School of mediumship development, full board, near Canterbury, Kent, UK.
Run by trance medium and Kriya Yogi Sheila French,
email :- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact :
Sheila French
' Seastones'
27 Bathurst Road,
Folkestone, Kent. UK.
CT20 2NS
Telephone Numbers :-
Home :- 01303 210637 ( ask for Sheila )
Mobile :- 07784 542979
The Arthur Findlay College
School of mediumship development, full board, at Stansted, UK
There are also "special weeks for French studiants".
The Arthur Findlay College
Stansted Hall, Stansted, Essex,
CM24 8UD, UK
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01279 813636
Fax: 01279 816025
The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (S.A.G.B)
School of mediumship development, No full board, at London, UK
The Spiritualist Association
of Great Britain
33 Belgrave Square, London,
SW1X 8QB, England
Tel: 020 7235 3351
(+44 207 235 3351)
Fax: 020 7245 9706
(+44 207 245 9706)
(only for the informations,
& not for the reservations)
The College of Psychic Studies
School of mediumship development, No full board, at London, UK
The College of Psychic Studies,
16 Queensberry Place,
London SW7 2EB, UK
Meetings, Réservations
& events:
+44 (0)20 7589 3292
Library & all the other departments:
+44 (0)20 7589 3293
Fax: +44 (0)20 7589 2824
Email :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Opening hours:Monday - Friday
10.30am - 7.30pm
Saturday 9.15am - 2.15pm
program catalogue to download on
Martham village hall in Norfolk UK, with trance medium Roger Colman &
spiritual medium and healer Norman Lewin
School of mediumship development, No full board, at Martham Norfolk UK
Roger Colman can be contacted
on 01603 715310
The International Spiritualist Federation
School of mediumship development, No full board, at Eastbourne,


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