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ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TEXT: The information or advice that I write on this Site have been taken from my own experience, or from my own knowledge/research. These texts are offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. Please use your discrimination and judgement in utilising  this material. If something rings true to you, fine! If something does not resonate, please, leave it alone!  
Many exercises exist to develop one's mediumship, and the students can find many books in the market which describe them. But not any of them are describing the ancient magis techniques, because these initiation exercices have almost fallen in the forgotten past, since the beginning of Christianism. Interestingly however, in Greece, the Christian monks of Athos Mount are still practicing them.
The ancient teachers always emphasised the importance of the "breath". They said that there was a connection between the "inner flame" and the breath. The word "breath", in this sentence, has the same meaning as for the word "Pranayama" (to master the psychic breath) of the Hindus. This "inner flame" that all the prophets , all the Mystics have described, is the most subtle shape under which the creator can be perceived. The Hindus call it also "the fire"; the Tibetans say the healers "have the fire", and the "breath" of a great Yogi can heal or erase bad Karma. Compare this with the following sentence found in the Bible (St John XX 22-23): "he breathed on them, and saith unto them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost; whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained." (It is well know that someone could  have been healed by a healer, and another one who has been visiting the same healer will not be healed; it is the invisible world  who decides who will be healed, and who will not). 
To develop one's mediumship, proper circulation of energy in the body is important, and the head is the most important part of the body, that is why, the ancient teachers insisted first on correct breathing.
(This exercise must not be done by people who are suffering with heart problems).
- Stand up, your spine against a wall, your arms down along your body.
- Now, stand up on the tips of your toes, and slowly, raise your arms , horizontally first, at the same level as your shoulders; at the same time, inhale to the count 8.
- Then continue to raise them up toward the ceiling, in a vertical position to stretch them; at the same time, hold your breath to the count 12. 
- Now, bring gently your arms back and down along your body, and stand flat on your feet; at the same time, exhale to the count 10.
Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Daily meditation is the key to be receptive to the world of light, and to reach the spirits. Your mind must become as calm as the surface of a lake, in order to be able to perceive the subtle information and images that the spirit-guides are sending on your inner screen : the third eye which is situated behind your forehead. This inner screen has been given different names by the ancient : "the philosophic stone", "the eye of shiva", "Ajna centre", ...
There are, basically, two kinds of meditations: passive and active:
a) The passive meditation will prepare you for the trance/channelling. The more you will have passive meditation, the more the total "let go" or full relaxation will be automatic, and the more the barriers, which prevent the channelling, will fall. Of course, you have to trust in your spirit-helpers responsible of your mediumship development, in order for them to work efficiently.
b) The active meditation will help for the general mediumship (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, ...) and for your energy and the liquids to flow freely within your body. The "energy alignment" is called "Kundalini raising" in the Hindu vocabulary.  

- It is recommended that you wear large clothes, pyjamas, sportswear, hostess dress, Arab djelaba, etc... and no tight underwear in order for the energy to flow freely. 
- Sit near a window or a door with window in it, in order to be in the natural light which will help to recharge yourself with energy, and which will also be used by the spirit-helpers.
- Close your eyes during all the meditation. 
- Now, do some deep breathing, and visualise that, on each exhaling, you are releasing you of your daily concerns, all your troubles, all your problems. Just feel relaxed from your toes to your head, and be at peace.
- Now, visualise, OUT OF YOUR BODY, and IN FRONT OF YOU (at 50 CMS maximum) a water fall, a pool or a lake, or any inert object (crystal, paperweight, ...) , or at 20 CMS the face of your spirit-guide.
- Concentrate on this visualisation, and keep the same visualisation in your mind: it is the "visualisation in loop". Be sure that you don't fall asleep. 
- In case you have chosen to visualise your guide's face, imagine that his face approaches more and more until it is near your face, then visualise that he has integrated into your face, that you feel him   under the skin of your face, your forehead, your cheeks, and your throat.
Stay in meditation for at least a half an hour. One meditation in the morning, one in the evening is recommended. While you will sit this way, every day, doing nothing apart from making the "let go" (total relaxation of your body and of your mind), and keeping your visualisation in loop, in fact, you give your spirit-helpers the chance to train themselves with your energy, and check their compatibility. It is said that a team of 200 to 300 spirits is needed for the development of only one medium! The spirit-helpers who will be the most attuned with your energy and with your personality, are the ones that you will easily hear clairaudiently, and this will be important at the beginning, because these are the ones who will be sent by the others to convey their instructions. They will talk to you during the day, or during your sleep, or just during the very first seconds after you awake in the morning and that your consciousness has not yet put up a barrier.
One day, when the team of spirit-scientists, physicists, chemists, spirits-mediums, etc... will be ready, they will succeed in anestheziing their student, then the trancing/channelling will begin...Patience and commitment are essential.  

Active meditation enables the wakening of the kundalini, i.e the free circulation of energy in the 14 meridians of the physical body. 
Perhaps, some of you have seen on the television, some reports on the Tibetans Monks. You must have noticed that while they sat on the floor, they were swinging their bust and their head, forwards and backwards 5-6 times, then sideways from right side to left side 5-6 times. When they swing their head sideways, their head is inclined on each shoulder. The total movement of swinging is making a shape of a cross, with identical length for the four branches of the cross. Then they begin again, swinging forwards and backwards, etc...
The movement never exceeds 45 degrees from the vertical position, and follows the rhythm of 2 seconds from one side to the other. Even, if these monks are talking to someone, or if they are reading, or repeating short mantras in rhythm (concentration exercise in loop), they keep swinging the top of their body in rhythm too.  
This swinging was already reported in the antiquity, in Greece, among the Maenads, and the Branchids of the Delphes temple. They were also whirling and were throwing their head back. The ancient Norse were also using these techniques for their development.
The young muslim pupils, sat on the floor in the mosques, or in Koranic schools, are swinging their bust while repeating the verses of the Koran. The Jews are also swinging the top of their body. The same for the Turks, the Orthodox Greeks of Athos Mount, some Orthodox Russians, the Shamans of Altaï (Siberia), the Shaman Bohns of Himalayas, the Hindus Yogis, Swamis and Brahmans, the Jaïnists, the Tziganes of East Europe.  

Rotations of the head, in concrete terms, improves the vision of the physical eyes, but also improves the inner vision (the 3rd eye), and have a direct impact on the circulation of the energy.
The ancient Egyptian Priests, to develop their mediumship and to be able to communicate with "the world of eternal life", were swinging the top of their body sideways, and forwards and backwards, and were making also the rotation of their head, thus forming an Egyptian TAU cross with these movements.
The religious in Zoroastrian temples are still practising these movements; the same in Java Island. The Mongol Shamans provoke their trance by quick rotations of their neck, during long hours. The Brazilian trance mediums (Macumba) are also using  the quick rotation method.  

Before the complete spreading of Islam to the Arab countries, the Isawiyya Brotherhood, founded by Sheikh Abu Abd Allah Sidi Muhammed, ben Isa as-Sofiani al Mukhtari, was already practising rhythmic bending and swaying as spiritual practices to develop its members. Then, later on came the practices of the Sufis.
The Whirling Derviches of Konia (Turkey) practice the rotation of ALL their body, with a rhythm of 2 seconds per turn, with their arms open for the equilibrium, i.e about 30 turns/ a minute. The seance last three quarters of an hour to one hour.
a) Rasputin's way :  
He told us to hold a pink crystal (round or egg shape) in the left hand, and to keep the left hand down along the body, and to hold another crystal of any kind (round or egg shape also) in the right hand, and to raise the right hand toward the ceiling, and to whirl anti-clockwise about 7 times, before to sit and make our daily meditation.  
It is fundamental to breath slowly, holding the breath during the swings or the spinnings.
Rasputin was a product of the Siberia of the Shamans. Rasputin was a member of a group of Monks called "The Khlystis" who were living in Verkhoture Monastery. These monks used to go into the forest to whirl like the Whirling Derviches, and to practice trance mediumship. Rasputin visited Athos Mount, Greece and Jerusalem to complete his training.  

The spinning has to follow the same direction as the rotation of the Earth. The Earth is rotating from West to East.
- For people living in the Northern Hemisphere, the rotation of the Earth (and also of the air and sea movements) is anti-clockwise; so if they want to do spinning-vortex visualisation, or if they want to whirl, they must do it anti-clockwise. 
- For people living in the Southern Hemisphere, the rotation of the Earth (and the movements of the air and of the seas) is clockwise; thus, the spinning meditation or the whirling have to be clockwise.  
Following the rotation of the Earth enables to speed up the atoms and all the etheric particles forming a vortex around the body meet no resistance (Coriolis effect).  

The common explanation is that these practices release a certain amount of adrenaline which induces altered state of consciousness. The adrenaline plays it 's role too, but the main reason is to be found in the movement of the liquids.
- Rotations of the head create a whirl of the Cephalo-Rachidian liquid in which the brain is bathing, which cleans it, and nourishes it, improving it's functioning. 
- Swinging also sets the Cephalo-Rachidian liquid in motion, and the Endo-Lymphatic liquid in the internal ear is also set in motion. The vertigo which appears, if the movements of the head are too sharp, is the proof of it.  
Nutrition of the brain has a particular mode, and the Cephalo-Rachidian liquid ensures the essential of it; blood circulation brings to it only an extra contribution. This Cephalo-rachidian liquid is partitioned into two main masses detailed below:  
- a curved layer in surface, in between the skull and the grey substance;  
- and a central mass in the lateral ventricles which communicate together. 
Because of the disposition of these liquid masses, they are infinitely more sensitive to movements than the vascular network where the blood flow is fixed like wagons on railway tracks.
Quite obviously:
a) the superficial layer of the Cephalo-Rachidian liquid is displaced by the head rotations;
b) the two lateral deep masses of liquid , which communicate to each other, are moved by the sideways swinging (from right to left, and vice-versa);
c) the liquid, in which the marrow and the central ventricle are bathing, is set in movement mainly by the forward and backward swinging.
Also backward swinging stimulate all the back area of the brain. Forward swinging (which are also the movements of the Muslim prayer) bring the Cephalo-Rachidian liquid and also the blood, in the forehead and on the top of the brain.
These swingings, if assiduously practised, have mystical effects on the consciousness state, and this was well known at the time of Jesus, as they are still known in Asia Minor.  
A handyman has built a spinning chair, other people are using spinning beds, all of these materials are also efficient. Don't hesitate to accompany your children on the spinning rides at the fair!
I am sure, you have already seen pictures of "Saints", looking upward, in contemplation, or seemingly in ecstasy. The mystics used to raised their eyes on religious objects, pictures or status of Jesus for example, hanging very high on the hall, or even on a candle flame put high on an altar while they stood on their knees, in prayer. The little detail that you have never noticed, I am sure, is that these Saints had their eyes squinting slightly. Below is a picture of a stained glass which is in the Cathedral of Amiens (France) where the convergence of the eyes of the two "Saints" is more obvious.  
    Ancient initiation (2)
The Raja Yoga combines relaxation, the repetition of "Ma" mantra, concentration of a dot on the forehead (Ajna chakra), and the convergence of the eyes. The Raja Yogis tell you to look up between your eye brows, to third eye; usually, they are meditating with their eyes semi-closed, as if they were looking at the floor in front of them, and while doing that, they keep their attention concentrated on the point between the eyes brows. This activates the pineal gland. To improve the quality of the visions, they tell you also to visualise the spreading of violet or indigo colour on the forehead .
The Kryia Yoga tells you to look up to your crown chakra, and to stay concentrating on it.  
When you look at the extremity of your nose, your eyes squint. When you raise your eyes up to the area in the middle of your eye brows, your eyes still squint, but less. And when you look up at your crown chakra, your eyes do not converge any more. 
The exercise of concentration or contemplation on a dot, with slightly squinted eyes is important; it helps to shift your consciousness, and enables you to feel or see the subtle energies..
- Feel a bowl with water, and put it on a table at about 50 CMS from your seat.
- Take a single coloured confetti (blue for example), let it float on the surface of the water, and look at it with a slight convergence of the eyes (that's why the bowl must not be too far away). Look at the dot for as long as you can   WITHOUT BLINKING.
- Then, while you are continuing to concentrate on the dot, you will begin to have a side vision. Try to hold the concentration without blinking. When your eyes are crying, narrow them and they will stop crying.  
From the moment you have blinked, the exercise is finished. At the beginning, you will be able to hold one or two minutes without blinking, then you will be able to increase the time up to 5 minutes..., then up to 1/4 of an hour... then 20 minutes...
 Take a careful look to the Yogis, Swamis, Brahmans or Mahatmas eyes, you will discover that they are rarely blinking.
Some Hindus are building their coloured Gyroscope, using a wheel of a bicycle, with sectors coloured in red, blue, green, yellow, violet. This wheel is put on motion, while the yogi has just to look at it spinning, this in order to raise the kundalini and activate the pineal gland.
This is here for information only. 
The phosphene is the persistent negative image of the lamp , which appears even after someone has closed his eyes. Phosphene concentration activates also the pineal gland. In fact, when the mystics were praying and contemplated at the same time the flame of a candle, or a shining statue, they were having a phosphene concentration exercise!
The Egyptian Priest of antiquity were practising this with the sun, but the chosen hour of the day was by 17:00 PM, when the sun was less bright. And they used to practice it progressively, looking at the sun only during very short time, at the beginning of their training. The mediums in the Carpathians are still practising this with the sun too, but just before the sunset as well.
I make a short description, here, of the way to work with the phosphenes. There are more complex exercises that I will not describe here.  
Ancient initiation
3.3.1 - The Student sit at two metres maximum from a normal white/pearl fluorescent lamp of 75 Watts (large globe). The teacher switches it on. The student is told to look at the light during about 30 seconds (one minute MAXIMUM); in fact, until he begins to see the light becoming pale blue-greenish. Then he closes his eyes, and covers them with his two palms in order to black them out perfectly. Then he looks on his third eye screen : there he sees the phosphene.
The phosphene looks yellow first, then it changes its colour to orange, then red, then violet; it becomes dark blue in its last phase before to disappear. It is not unusual to see visions in the phosphene. When the phosphene turns to violet colour, the teacher tells him to make a positive mental affirmation (for example! "I am a medium"; or "I am healed"; etc...) in order to self-program his subconsciousness with what this student wants to achieve. And when the violet phosphene tends to disappear, the teacher tells him to blink his eyes few times in order to reactivate it. As the student is trying, all along this process, to look for some images/visions in the phosphene, in fact, his concentration is total. 
When the phosphene has totally disappeared, the student is told to do again the same exercise, twice more.
3.3.2 - Another exercise with the phosphene is to begin to look at 40 CMS left of the lamp (on the same alignment as the lamp), then to move very slowly the eyes toward the lamp, to pass in front of it and to continue very slowly up to 40 CMS right side of the lamp. Then the student reverses the sweeping with his eyes, very slowly, up to the first position at 40 CMS on the left side of the lamp. He makes the go and return several times, at an extremely low speed, then he closes his eyes, covers them again with his palms, and looks at the phosphene, and tries to see if he sees a vision in it, as for the first phosphene exercise above.
3.3.3 - Another exercise is to slowly sweep horizontally with the eyes as described in the second exercise, then to slowly sweep vertically with the eyes on same length, thus creating a phosphene in the shape of a cross with equal branches. 
According to all the above explanations, this is a proposal of combined spiritual practices that you can have during your daily meditation, including active and passive elements: 
When you just get out from your bed, first at all, make the following breathing in order to equalise the intake of oxygen in the two hemispheres of the brain:
- Close your left nostril, while you inhale deeply with your right nostril; and at the same time, rotate your head toward your right shoulder.
- Then change of nostril, close the right nostril and exhale with the left nostril while you rotate you head toward your left shoulder. 
- Then alternate, close your right nostril, and while you inhale deeply with your left nostril, at the same time rotate your head toward your left shoulder.
- Then change of nostril, close the left nostril and exhale with the right nostril while you rotate you head toward your right shoulder. 
Make this breathing 10 times, in the rhythm of two seconds from one shoulder to the other. Two seconds is the natural rhythm of the brain.  

4. 2 - FOR YOUR DAILY MEDITATION ( 30 Minutes or +)
- Spin on your feet 7 times, (as explained in Paragraph 3 - Rasputin's way)
- Then sit down, rotate your head and swing your bust in cross shape. 
- While doing that, take deep slow breath, following the rhythm of two seconds from one shoulder to the other, and two seconds from forward and backward.
- Then , during 10 minutes, look in front of you down on the floor, the eyes semi-closed and slightly squinted (as when you are trying to look at the aura of someone; this special convergence looking makes you appear as if you are "in the moon"; At the same time, keep your concentration on your forehead; as you become more and more relaxed and in peace.
- Then close your eyes, and visualise yourselves, spinning on your feet during 5 minutes. See paragraph 2.2.4 for the direction of the spinning. You can visualise yourself, for example, as an entity of light, made of particles of photons, and that you are spiralling upwards to the sky.
- Then stop the active meditation and begin the passive meditation, deepening your "let go";  
The passive part of your meditation will follow your mood of the day:
- you may want to visualise yourself wandering gently through a forest, and then discovering a lake, and you will just visualise that you stay, sitting, looking at the calm surface of the lake, ...;
- or you may want to visualise yourself visiting the mountains, finding some caves, with pale colours and sparkling crystals, you visit them one by one, taking notice to all the details (avoid to visualise the red colour for the caves, or other too energetic colours, because you may feel nauseated).
- or you may visualise that you are swimming in the sea, and that you release all your positive ions in the sea, thus feeling better, more relaxed, feeling totally healed, ...;
- or you may want to visualise you are visiting a pyramid of Egypt in order to try to sense what information you get.
- or you may just want to stay in the room where you are sitting, in which case visualise an inert object as described in paragraph 2.1.
All these exercises described in this document are very ancient, and were used by generations of mystics or occultists, in order to develop their mediumship. I am sure, some techniques will surprise you. Meditations and constant application of this advice (even if you alternate the exercises according to your mood of the day), discipline and dedication make the difference with the people who have never succeeded to "realise themselves" ("Realisation of oneself" is the synonym of "mediumship achievement" in the Buddhist vocabulary). Developing correctly general mediumship is a real challenge!
Spirits say : "Practice, practice and practice!" this is the real secret of its realisation! 
Submitted by Maryse LOCKE


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